3 NVIDIA Grace-Hopper nodes (GH200 480) are now available. See Using Bede for more information.



The NVIDIA HPC SDK, otherwise referred to as nvhpc, is a suite of compilers, libraries and tools for HPC. It provides C, C++ and Fortran compilers, which include features enabling GPU acceleration through standard C++ and Fortran, OpenACC directives and CUDA.

It is provided for use on the system by the nvhpc module(s). It provides the nvc, nvc++ and nvfortran compilers.

This module also provides the NCCL and NVSHMEM libraries, as well as the suite of math libraries typically included with the CUDA Toolkit, such as cublas, cufft and nvblas.

module load nvhpc

module load nvhpc/23.1
module load nvhpc/22.1
module load nvhpc/21.5

For further information please see the NVIDIA HPC SDK Documentation Archive.